CanBeWell | Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness


CanBeWell is home to over 100 members from across Canada and around the world. Our WEBSITE DIRECTORY lists those members currently accepting clients.

Cynthia Aldred

Cynthia Aldred

Discipline(s): Brain Gym®/Edu-K, Touch for Health™
Competency(ies): Body Management


Phone: 4034061330
City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Country: Canada


It has been over 20 years since I started on this journey of learning and discovery in the field of bioenergetic wellness. I am passionate in my work and play in this area of study, continually seeking to expand my knowledge, which I apply in my personal life, and in sessions with clients. People (and critters) from wee to age 100+ benefit from sessions designed to support the body’s natural ability to heal – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. In addition to the bioenergetic wellness disciplines listed, I am certified in Champissage® (East Indian Head Massage) and Equine/Pet Therapy.

I also find it rewarding and applicable to use this awareness of the energy in our bodies and the world around us as a landscape designer.


There are currently no classes available.