CanBeWell | Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness
Workshops & Webinars

Workshops & Webinars

Consciousness and Therapeutic Touch - The Interpla

Date: 17 Feb, 2024
Presenter: Atlantic Therapeutic Touch Network

From our Partner Organization the Atlantic Therapeutic Touch Network in their partnership with TTIA and TTNC Present - Consciousness and Therapeutic Touch: The Interplay

Rev. David Maginley, author, and Charlie Elkind, artist, explore different perspectives for understanding consciousness and its interplay with TT.

February 17, 2024 8 am to 10:30 am PT / 12 noon to 2 pm AT Registration Fee $12.00

Rev. David Maginley is a spiritual counsellor at the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and award-winning author of Beyond Surviving: Cancer and Your Spiritual Journey. David has also survived cancer four times, which resulted in a profound near-death experience and explorations in the nature of consciousness and the connection of body, mind and spirit. He knows what it’s like to have cancer from both sides of the hospital bed, and has a sense of this life from both sides of the veil. He is ordained with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, specialist with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care, member of Canadian Association for Psychosocial Oncology, the International Association for Near-Death Studies, and is featured in the documentaries Here Right Now and When You Die. He is currently working on a new documentary exploring how world cultures engage mortality, and has a new book, Early Exits: Spirituality, Mortality and Meaning in an Age of Medical Assistance in Dying, to be published in the spring of 2024.

Charlie Elkind is a creative artist and a long-time student of the spiritual dimensions of life. He worked closely with Dora Kunz and Dr. Dee Krieger, both as a co-worker and friend. He first met them during his 14-year stay at the New York Theosophical Society headquarters in New York City. Later on, he became more acquainted with Therapeutic Touch while volunteering and eventually living at the Pumpkin Hollow Farm retreat center in Upstate, NY. At the retreat center, he ran the bookshop, and when moving there in 1990 he took on the role as the office manager. Charlie served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Hollow alongside Dora and Dee for many years as Therapeutic Touch began to flourish. Alongside Betsy Ungvarsky, he was responsible for recording Dora and Dee's audio talks given at the Hollow's annual Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced TT workshops for the TT nurses and others. A few years after leaving the Hollow in 2007, Dee asked him to create her website and visit her in Montana for the first TT Dialogues program she was starting. For most years, Charlie stayed at Dee's house in Montana every summer during the Dialogues. During these visits, he had insightful spiritual talks with her over breakfast and in the evenings. Additionally, he actively participated in the TT Dialogues program until her passing and beyond, including creating the covers of the yearly Dialogues program brochure. Since Covid started he has led a wonderful group book discussion class with TT nurses on the spiritual aspects of life, death and living.

To Register:
Canadian E-Transfer TTNC:
Canadian Cheques to TTNC mailed to:
Denise Carriere, TTNC Bookkeeper
1606 Searletown Road
Albany, PE
C0B 1A0 Canada
INTERNATIONAL – payment via PayPal – email with link to PayPal will be sent once you have registered.