CanBeWell | Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness


CanBeWell is home to over 100 members from across Canada and around the world. Our WEBSITE DIRECTORY lists those members currently accepting clients.

Dorota  Milczarek MA

Dorota Milczarek MA

Discipline(s): Applied Physiology, Brain Gym®/Edu-K, Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP), Masgutova Neuro-Sensory Reflex Integration™ (MNRI), Stress Indicator Points System (SIPS), Touch for Health™, Rhythmic Movement Training International (RMTi)
Competency(ies): Applied Physiology 7 Chi keys, Applied Physiology Agape Quest, Applied Physiology Brain


Phone: 438 8305327
City: Montreal
Province: Quebec
Country: Canada


Dorota completed her professional training with Dr. Charles Krebs through the Melbourne Applied Physiology Institute and Vida Kinesiologia in Barcelona, Spain. She also studied Applied Physiology at an advanced level with Adam Lehman through the Applied Physiology Institute in Tuscon, Arizona, and Somatic Emotional Acupressure with Joy Del Giudice in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

A musician by training, Dorota holds a Master's Degree in Music and a Master's Degree in Arts from McGill University in Montreal, and an Advanced Diploma from Accademia Chigiana in Siena, Italy. She developed a passion for holistic healing through a quest to help her special needs son.

Dorota’s fascination with the work of Dr. Charles Krebs inspired her to travel all around the world to obtain knowledge and complete the training, not only to help her son but also to help others.

Dorota recently completed Instructor's Training under the tutelage of Andrea Hahn and is Licensed to teach LEAP FT 1-4.

She is an active member of the Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness, CanBeWell


Date Class Location Info
2025-02-28 LEAP Foundation Training 2 LEAP FT-2 online and at my place online Email