CanBeWell | Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness


CanBeWell is home to over 100 members from across Canada and around the world. Our WEBSITE DIRECTORY lists those members currently accepting clients.

Dr Michelle Greenwell

Dr Michelle Greenwell

Discipline(s): Applied Physiology, Masgutova Neuro-Sensory Reflex Integration™ (MNRI), Therapeutic Touch®, Touch for Health™
Competency(ies): Bioenergetic Vibrational Tuning, Qi YINtegration, Sound Healing, TMJ Reset, BioEnergetic Wellness Professional


Phone: 9029452967
City: Mabou
Province: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada


Specializing in movement to heal the body, Dr Greenwell is attune to posture, foot care, knee pain, hip mobility, spine and neck strength. Using whole body movement approaches to integrate the reflexes, muscles, and tissue of the body, Michelle provides resources from dance and Tai Chi with personalized programs for clients, and students.

Realizing the potential for emotions to block tissue in the body, Michelle's approach includes goalsetting and intentions, creating a community for well-being, and developing intuition through biofeedback and awareness. Her students and clients appreciate the individual focus and insights, as well as recommendations for homework, office habits, and daily self-care activities - this includes supporting those who drive for long periods of time and those working at a computer for long hours daily.

Michelle works with clients individually and excels at weekly group classes and workshops to empower those building their wellness toolbox. Michelle is available in-person and online, and her expertise with distance sessions is sought after as well.

Collaborating with other professionals in the wellness industry, you can find resources like award winning books and programs, card decks, and videos in her shop at If you are not sure what kind of assistance you may need, Michelle is a great resource for programs, techniques, and the expertise of her colleagues.

Her formal education includes:
Ph. D. CIH (Complementary and Integrative Health), 2023 Akamai University;
MSc in CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine), 2019 Akamai University;
BA Psychology, 1988 University of Calgary;

Touch for Health Instructor,
Therapeutic Touch Foundations Instructor;
Co-creator of Raising BioEnergetic Awareness;
Creator of “Qi YINtegration”: a Program of Movement Wellness;
Creator of “Tai Chi Wellness and the Seated Form Series” on Youtube and Facebook;

Owner and Director of Dance Debut Inc. since 1988.
Dance Instructor since 1982, Tai Chi Enthusiast since 1996
Award winning Author: “My Little Black Book of Qi: Qi YIntegration,” “My Little Black Book of Energy,” “Stacey on the Keyboard” “Peter on the Drums,” When Everything is Right for the Little Fairy,”
Music: CD – “Stacey on the Keyboard” 12
Owner of The Cape Breton Tea Company ( including a Tea with Intention Series
Published in July 2021: "It's in the Cards" BioEnergetic Essential games and activities for learning about BioEnergetic Wellness, BEE - "BioEnergetic Essentials Book (E-book on CanBeWell blogpost, hardcopy on, "Affirmations for the Body and BioField" card deck.

All Resources can be found at:


Date Class Location Info
2025-02-15 Raising BioEnergetic Awareness Module B - Akamai University Credits online Email