CanBeWell | Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness


CanBeWell Celebrates a Month of Kindness - join our outreach!

  • Michelle Greenwell
  • Jul 6, 2021

Each month our association celebrates a special initiative to inspire wellness. This month we are focusing on kindness. In many programs you will hear the words "Compassion" or "Compassion in Action". This is the act of reaching out to assist someone else in need. Kindness is very similar. The difference is that the outreach may be to someone not really needing assistance, and most likely they are not expecting assistance. It is the surprise of the gesture and the connection that brings joy and love to a simple action. As we often don't know what is happening for other people, this simple gesture might be the connection that has been missing, or the love that is needed, or the inspiration to be more. We just don't know.

For the month of July we hope you are inspired to see how one daily act of kindness might make you feel as you offer, while you enjoy the experience of seeing the surprise and delight of someone's receiving.

We welcome stories, videos, pictures, anything that could share an idea or an inspiration for others. We invite you to share them on the CanBeWell group page. Best wishes, and we hope our act of engaging in you in considering Kindness, creates a ripple to those around you.

Happy Summer!

  • Author: Michelle Greenwell