CanBeWell | Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness


Denise Cambiotti presents for the Shift into Wellness Synergy Summit - Pre-Summit Series

  • Michelle Greenwell
  • Oct 12, 2021

Denise Cambiotti

Denise loves helping people improve physical and emotional function and reduce pain. She makes key concepts simple so that healers and individuals can learn and apply bioenergetic wellness methods to complement their lives.

Denise is endlessly fascinated about wellness, the body, and the mind. She's President of Muscle Tuners International Inc., a partner organization of the Canadian Association of Bioenergetic Wellness. She has over 2,600 hours of training and 20+ years of clinical experience helping clients and students instantly strengthen muscles, improve function, and reduce pain.

“Social Media Rally”

What are your social media platforms and what are their current reach?

Who are your networks and how do you interact with them?

Who would you like to add to your networks or collaborations? How might you accomplish this?

Register for the Social Media Rally on

Background Information:

Would you like to gain 3X-25X increase visibility on your social media platform with the minimum amount of time?

What's required? Show up at our event with a link to content you wish to show the world. Paste it in the chat box. Take the rest of the hour to click on everyone else's link and interact with them. Love their posts and make thoughtful comments or ask questions to get the algorithm bots to notice something's happening! Right after the event and for the remainder of the week be sure to respond to all the engagements you are receiving to maximize your results.
Repeat monthly and you will notice your statistics will positively increase on your subsequent posts too!
It's easy. We'll send more details when you register.

Let’s cheer each other as wellness providers in our unique community and 🎶LET'S GET VISIBLE!🎶

Go to the Events page and click on workshops, you will find the sign up page there. See you soon.

  • Source: Shift into Wellness Synergy Summit Update
  • Author: Michelle Greenwell