CanBeWell | Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness


Enhance These Self-Care Tools with Muscle Response Testing

  • Lewis Harrison
  • Dec 11, 2023

Are you ready to add some wellness activities to your day, but you aren’t sure where to start, or what would be most effective?
Personalizing your wellness plan can include assumptions, the experience of others, as well as trial and error. What if you could simplify the process with a little test that could indicate the right choices for you? Let’s look at how Muscle Response Testing can help you with decision-making and priorities.
Before we begin, let’s explore what Muscle Response Testing (MRT) is. According to Oxford scholar, Dr. Anne Jensen, MRT is the ability of a muscle to indicate a change in integrity when a stimulus has been added, thus indicating if the stimulus adds and supports the body or depletes and takes away from the body. You can learn more here: For our purposes today, we want to identify what will personally be enhanced by adding MRT to a wellness plan.
As Benjamin Franklin once said: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. With MRT we can enhance and personalize a wellness plan quickly and easily, with the ultimate goal of helping a person to live a long and healthy life

In the past people had to use their physical bodies in the course of their normal work. But today someone may get up, go to work in a car, then sit down, get up to go home in the car and when arriving at home, sit down again for the rest of the day. In such a life there is no physical labor. This physical inactivity is one of the main reasons for a host of diseases. Sports, running. walking, yoga, dance, Tai Chi, and other movement-based activities must be added to our lives if our normal work does not require us to exert ourselves physically. Muscle Response Testing can help determine what type of exercise is best for an individual’s current physical ability, how much is needed, and when.

This may sound simple, but many people stay up late even when their body is telling them that it is time to sleep. Students will take coffee and stimulants to study late into the night and overstimulate their system when they do get a chance to sleep. Shift workers develop the habit of remaining active at night and sleeping during the day. While we can push our bodies to work into the night, it eventually takes a toll on health. Yoga and Ayurvedic doctors believe that it is better to sleep at night and be active during the day to support the organ systems for energy and repair work. Sleep deprivation and unusual living patterns can contribute to the stress on the body that leads to mood changes, mental health challenges, or dis-ease. Muscle Response Testing can help a person identify personal stress challenges, sleep patterns, and sleep duration needs to prioritize the best rest for the body to do its repair work and gain well-being, even with challenging demands from studying or working.

With our busy lifestyles, we often eat on the run and make food choices based on convenience. With MRT we can make choices for the body to be energized by food, and to remain fuelled during some of our most challenging times of day. Even though a food may be “good for you” it is not always the best choice for us, or a priority for the activities the body, mind, and spirit will be involved in for the day. When we adjust our food habits and choices to enhance energy and vitality, our mood, physical ability, and mental clarity all benefit.

Through the biofeedback that is gained from MRT, it becomes easier to recognize the stress signals our body is creating, and when the pressure to perform becomes more than the energy and vitality of our body, mind, and spirit can participate. Using MRT we can identify the stressors in our day, and the schedule that might be sabotaging our well-being. We can create a wellness plan to keep balance and flow to our thoughts, mood, energy, physical movement, connection to others, and personal goals.
Muscle Response Testing brings peace of mind to our inexperience and sabotaging patterns as we recognize and identify new ways of organizing our self-care activities and maximizing our wellness plan. This personalized approach eliminates the old trial-and-error ways of making choices.
To learn more about MRT please visit our website at Our members offer personal sessions as well as group activities. You can learn more about the expertise of our members in the Directory. For classes, workshops, and retreats in your area or online, please check out the offerings in our Events section.

The author of over 40 books through traditional publishers, Lewis is a former host of a National Public Radio Talk Show, Podcaster, and past editor of the Journal of American Polarity Therapy Association. He is known as the “Coach of Coaches” and can be found at:

  • Source:
  • Author: Lewis Harrison