CanBeWell | Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness


The Paradox of the “Right” Food

  • Yolande Kielstra
  • Mar 7, 2020

By Yolande Kielstra, FDN-P & BioEnergetic Wellness facilitator


- “Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth” - Oxford dictionary

- “Material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy” - Merriam-Webster dictionary

Our culture has been consumed with what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat. The latest diet trends and research over the last several decades has changed multiple times and even contradicted itself. Michael Pollan in his book “In the Defense of Food” says everything he's learned about food and health can be summed up in seven words: "Eat foodnot too muchmostly plants." As Bioenergetic facilitators we want the energetic frequency of food to improve and strengthen the client’s body. Foods that benefit the body are classified as Biogenic, these raise the energetic frequency of the body and are easy to process and eliminate from the body. Biostatic foods have a neutral effect, neither enhancing nor decreasing the body’s energy; a muscle being monitored will not change its state in the presence of a biostatic food (i.e. an unlocking PMC will continue to be unlocked). In the presence of biocidic foods; foods that mismatch the client’s frequency, the client will experience a dampening of energy and may experience physical discomfort. As we know each client is a bio-individual, the importance of knowing which foods support their own body becomes imperative. So how do we know which foods will do that and is there a way to help the body accept foods that seem to mismatch?

While researching for this article in the Touch for Health archives, I came across an abstract from the 1999 Journal by Carolyn L. Mein, D.C., DIBAK titled “The 25 Body Type System”, She refers to foods that strengthen the body according to the body’s dominant gland and how to muscle monitor to determine which gland that is. The concept of basing a diet on a body type is not new; “Dr. Abravanel’s Body Type Diet and Lifetime Nutrition Plan” by Elliot D. Abravanel, M.D also refers to a diet based on the body’s glands. Body types commonly known as endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph has also had many nutritionist, fitness experts, and online calorie calculators recommending a ratio of carbs, proteins, and fats that each type should intake for better “fuel” burn. Body type diets can be helpful in giving a general overview of foods that may be beneficial and be a starting point for further refining through muscle monitoring.

In the Touch for Health International Journal, 1992 in the article “The 5 Food Groups” by Robert A. Aboulache, M.A., he writes “Food is central to our existence. Eating the right foods in the right amounts will assist us in living a vibrant life because it feeds our Qi. If, however, through our daily encounters we develop an imbalance or a dysfunction -- balance must be sought. We can do this on many levels: physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual -- all are beneficial and each will affect the other. Food as a nourishment to our Qi is an excellent and necessary means to regain balance and keep healthy.” Robert Aboulache has detailed a fantastic chart for balancing the 5 Elements with foods in the article, which is a great resource.  The book by Michelle Morley, “Meridian Menus” 75 Original Recipes“ shares information about the 5 Element Theory and how to choose food that will support the body.  She has a compilation of recipes that assist with breakfast, lunch and supper as well as desserts that can support the body in a way that is energetically optimizing.

The Touch for Health manual divides food into the categories biocidic, biostatic, and biogenic as mentioned before, which is determined by the body’s response to the muscle monitoring process and techniques. The process of Balancing with Food is outlined in The Complete Edition of Touch for Health by John Thie and Matthew Thie on pages 299-302. Elizabeth Barhydt and Hamilton Barhydt have additional tips in their article, “Some Important Considerations in Muscle Testing for Foods and Supplements”

Chart created by Yolande Kielstra

Another great resource for bioenergetic feedback is the book by Jane Thurnell-Read “Nutritional Testing for Kinesiologists and Dowsers”, which has several menus and appendixes that can be used through muscle monitoring to determine foods and even specific nutrients needed to strengthen the body. Applied Physiology’s Nutritional Energy Reflex Point Chart is another resource for finding deficiencies and excesses in the body, which can then be a way of finding foods to strengthen or to even double check findings through the Touch for Health balance process.

CanBeWell members Natascha Polomski and Michelle Greenwell have their 10 Tea Blends that are great for identifying the needs of a meridian or element, and then sipping the tea with 3 levels of intentions included with the tea. The teas are a combination of intention and contemplation of the herbs. Their book “Tea with Intention” helps to share the theory of the 5 Elements and how to use the Ko and Shen cycles for energy enhancement.  This is a great tool for those people wanting to learn more about the meridians and the elements and how the energy systems work.  It is a great tool for instructors to reinforce concepts in the Touch for Health course, especially in regards to the addition of goal setting and creating visions for the future.

As Bioenergetic Facilitators we have the unique skills to help an individual navigate their body’s needs and ability to help restore and heal through the use of foods. Through the balance process with foods, followed with further refining of finding foods that are biogenic and eliminating foods that are biocidic (bioenergy mismatch), an individual can start making food choices that enhance the body’s parasympathic nervous system response of rest and digest!

  • Author: Yolande Kielstra