CanBeWell | Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness


An Introduction to Meditation, Centering and Grounding, Intention and Affirmations

  • Mar 29, 2020

Natascha Polomski, our Therapeutic Touch® representative for the Atlantic Therapeutic Touch Network creates Meditations for the first Monday of the Month and shares them on their Facebook page:, and on VIMEO: This is a great resource for those people wanting to engage in special thoughts and reflections and are looking for a way to relax and clear the mind.  Deep breathing is very important for creating relaxation and openness through the body.  Meditation is one way to begin this process.  Once there is an inner focus and deep breathing has begun, the opportunity to center and ground can be engaged.  Enjoy Natascha’s meditation and then follow the instructions for how to center and ground using the tools from TT.  

Exploring your Center Meditation

Take a deep breath, sit comfortably and become aware of yourself. Are you calm? Is your mind focussed?

Close your eyes and direct your sight within. Search for your physical Center. How does it feel? Where is it located? 

Start breathing into your Center, gently and deeply, in and out. Does your Center change? Is your emotional Center located close to your physical Center? What about your spiritual centre?

Look at the area closely. What does it look like? Does it have a sound? A certain colour? Is there a special taste or smell associated? How does it feel? Does it have a texture or pattern to it?

Once you know your Center, memorize its location and the feel of it so you can recall it anytime you need it.

Now shift your awareness back to yourself. Has something changed? How do you feel now? How is your mind? Are you focussed?

Remember you can always recall the sensation of your Center bringing you calm and focus.

Take a couple more gentle and deep breaths in and out and when you are ready come back to the here and now.                                                                                                           

Natascha Polomski © 2020-03-22

Therapeutic Touch® Self-Help

Center:  Take a few moments to breathe deeply, sit with both feet firmly on the ground, release the tension from the body and bring awareness to the moment.  With each breath realize how you can be solid in your body while the rest of the world falls away.  Once you are focused with your breath, move to the next step…

Ground:  Place your hands on your feet or knees and imagine the energy passing through your hands sweeping through them and down into the ground through the feet.  When you feel that the flow of energy is connected to the ground, move to the next step…

General Sweep:  Placing your hands in your Energy Field, begin at the shoulders and sweep through the air and off the body, down the length of the body and off the feet.  Repeat for all sides of the body, making as many sweeps on one side as you feel is important to achieve calm and peace.

Intention and Wellness

For those people who wish to learn more about the power of intention, you may find the resources created by the “Power of Eight” and the “Intention Experiments” with Lynne McTaggart a great resource.  For our purposes here, the research from her blogpost, “The Urge to Kill”, Sept, 2019:, may bring some insight into affirmations and intentions, and the effectiveness of using the correct statement.

Posting the phrase below on your mirror, desk or fridge will reinforce the innate healing potential within us to find order and harmony in our systems. This is known as “negative entropic properties.”  The science behind the energetic organization of wellness can be explored in the book, “Vibrational Medicine” by Richard Gerber, MD. 


Evelyn Mulders, a Sound and Vibrational Specialist in BioEnergetic Wellness for years and a member of CanBeWell, has a program with the essences of herbs, “Western herbs for Eastern Meridians and Five Element Theory”.  Combining a mini meditation with set intentions, her protocol also applies a tapping technique that follows along the Temporal Lobe.  One of the herbs appropriate for these times is Echinacea. Try her protocol with the Echinacea card pictured below.

7 Step Herbal Vibrational Healing Protocol

1. Focus on the herbal image and notice the herbal message. Evoking the plant spirit’s message.

2. Identify with the physical symptoms. Offering focus to the area of the body needing healing vibration.

3. Discover the blocked emotion. Offering insight to the internal stress.

4. Feel the mental disharmony. Offering a new perspective on the issue causing stress.

5. Read the herbal message aloud. Shifting the spiritual connection transferring healing vibrations to the meridians and chakras.

6. Tap around your ears while focusing on herbal image and message. Imprint new vibration into the whole brain.

7. Hold the card in your hand in front of you, keep your head still and move hand and eyes in a circular pattern while focusing on the herbal image and message. Instilling herbal healing properties to the visual cortex.